by Newton | Aug 10, 2017 | My Musings, Relationships
I once had an encounter with a parent at my daughter, Sarah’s school during one of the Open House events. As soon as I walked into the class with Sarah, I saw this other parent with her son and we exchanged pleasantries. When she found out my daughter’s...
by Newton | Aug 8, 2017 | Children, My Musings, My Random Musing
One powerful lesson I have learnt in this season is that, you begin to heal from a mishap the moment you make up your mind to move past the tragedy that has befallen you. People will say all sorts of nice and encouraging things to bring you comfort and cheer, and...
by Newton | Aug 7, 2017 | Keepers of the Hearth, My Musings, Relationships
CAUTION: LONG POST ALERT Naaman was general of the army under the king of Aram. He was important to his master, who held him in the highest esteem because it was by him that GOD had given victory to Aram: a truly great man, but afflicted with a grievous skin disease....
by Newton | Aug 6, 2017 | Family, My Musings, Relationships
A friend forwarded this post to me on WhatsApp and it touched me so much I cried. A lot of old parents have been abandoned by children who are either ashamed of them or brand them witches. God bless every parent out there who sacrifice so much to ensure that their...
by Newton | Jul 30, 2017 | My Musings, My Random Musing