by Newton | Jul 29, 2017 | Family, My Musings, My Random Musing, Relationships
Where genuine love is thick, offenses are thin. When someone genuinely loves you, it would be easier to make allowances for your errors, and make a genuine effort to correct you ‘in love.’ Where the love is forced, there is nothing you do, that will be...
by Newton | Jul 29, 2017 | Children, My Musings, My Random Musing
I think one of the most important things any young woman- or man- needs to study and understand, are levels of friendship. You will run into troubled waters, if you give top level access to first level friendships. No matter how nice a person sounds on social media,...
by Newton | Jul 29, 2017 | My Musings, Relationships
There’s a strange kind of friendship I see where one person is on the receiving end and not ready to give back as well. Friendship is a two way street- it’s give and take. Sometimes when one observes a trend that is so not right, and speaks out, you have...
by Newton | Jul 29, 2017 | My Musings, My Random Musing
When we hear of abuse in a marriage, the stereotyped imagery this evokes is of a man either physically beating up his wife or emotionally battering her with his words and cutting her to size with his actions. I believe that men are also experiencing abuse in marriage-...
by Newton | Jul 29, 2017 | My Musings, My Random Musing, Parenting
As you go about your day to day business, you may not know all the circles in which your name is being mentioned for evil, causing you to lose favor with people who were meant to help you get to the next level in life. You do not have to do anything to attract the...