My Writings

Unhealthy Rivalry

I once had an encounter with a parent at my daughter, Sarah's school during one of the Open House events. As soon as I walked into the class with Sarah, I saw this other parent with her son and we exchanged pleasantries. When she found out my daughter's name, she said...

Lessons from a Slave Girl

CAUTION: LONG POST ALERT Naaman was general of the army under the king of Aram. He was important to his master, who held him in the highest esteem because it was by him that GOD had given victory to Aram: a truly great man, but afflicted with a grievous skin disease....

Do Not Neglect Aged Parents

A friend forwarded this post to me on WhatsApp and it touched me so much I cried. A lot of old parents have been abandoned by children who are either ashamed of them or brand them witches. God bless every parent out there who sacrifice so much to ensure that their...

Love Makes Allowance

Where genuine love is thick, offenses are thin. When someone genuinely loves you, it would be easier to make allowances for your errors, and make a genuine effort to correct you 'in love.' Where the love is forced, there is nothing you do, that will be right in their...
Love Makes Allowance

Love Makes Allowance

Where genuine love is thick, offenses are thin. When someone genuinely loves you, it would be easier to make allowances for your errors, and make a...

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The Verbally Abused Husband

The Verbally Abused Husband

When we hear of abuse in a marriage, the stereotyped imagery this evokes is of a man either physically beating up his wife or emotionally battering...

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Tongues of Judgement

Tongues of Judgement

As you go about your day to day business, you may not know all the circles in which your name is being mentioned for evil, causing you to lose favor...

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The Frenemy

The Frenemy

It is easy to accept criticism and correction from friends who also balance it out with celebrating your good points as well. However, if you have a...

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1. “But Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of the LORD, that we may enquire of the LORD by him?And one of the king of Israel’s servants...

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My heart is overflowing with good news; I speak what I have composed to the king; my tongue is like the pen of an articulate scribe. Psalm 45:1...

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